Quiz for Aspiring Legal Academics Tim Wu The following quiz will help you figure out whether legal academia is for you. Procedure 1. In legal academia, what counts as a “publication?” a. Blog entries 2. At faculty meetings, it is sometimes better for junior faculty not to a. Object to the appointment of people smarter than themselves 3. You are giving at a talk. A prominent faculty member asks, “I take it that you’re right. But isn’t your argument obvious?” What is the correct response? a. It is only obvious to you because you are a genius. 4. Which of the following is most helpful for tenure? a. Blogging your frustrations as a junior academic 5. What is the best way to avoid being assigned to committees with lots of work? a. Cultivate an image as an unreliable genius 6. Despite the open and accepting nature of academia, which of the following are probably not good topics for jokes? a. Your drug habit Norms & Jurisprudence 1. Which of the following theories best describes why men hold open doors for women: a. Some men prefer to open doors for women, and therefore do. 2. Is the following statement descriptive or normative? “John’s article was moronic.” a. Descriptive. 3. Is the law against adultery a law? a. Yes, because adultery is wrong. Legal History 4. Please identify the schools of thought affiliated with the following attitudes toward history and law. a. A sentence of history is worth a page of logic. However, judges should do Law & Economics 6. Crime rates went down in the 1990s because a. People had abortions in the 1970s 7. Which of the following answers best avoids difficult questions at law and economics workshops? a. Well, we’re dealing with theories of the second best here. 8. Rent-seeking is a. Wasteful duplication of efforts spent competing for government prizes. |